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Catedral de Santiago

La Catedral de Santiago de Bilbao es uno de los principales monumentos religiosos de la ciudad. Construida entre los siglos XIV y XV, su arquitectura de estilo gótico temprano destaca por su elegante fachada y su impresionante torre campanario, que se alza a 50 metros de altura. En su interior, la Catedral alberga una nave central con bellos arcos y bóvedas de ojiva, además de un altar mayor y una serie de capillas laterales ricas en detalles. La Catedral ha sido restaurada varias veces a lo largo de los siglos, y en su interior se celebran importantes ceremonias religiosas. Además de su función religiosa, la Catedral de Santiago es un hito histórico y turístico que atrae a miles de visitantes, siendo una parada imprescindible en el camino del Camino de Santiago hacia la costa.

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The Cathedral of Santiago de Bilbao, is one of the city’s most important religious landmarks. Built between the 14th and 15th centuries, its early Gothic architecture stands out for its elegant façade and impressive bell tower, which rises 50 meters high. Inside, the cathedral features a central nave with beautiful arches and ribbed vaults, as well as a main altar and a series of side chapels rich in detail. The cathedral has undergone several restorations over the centuries, and important religious ceremonies are held within. Beyond its religious function, the Cathedral of Santiago is a historical and tourist landmark that attracts thousands of visitors, being an essential stop on the Camino de Santiago route to the coast.

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